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Book Review


God’s End-Time Puzzle: Letting Scripture Speak for Itself

William C. Edmondson Barbara Bamberger Scott

"We will find, if we are diligent to search the scriptures, that they have all the answers to the knowledge we seek."

Author Edmondson has created a powerful treatise concerning the end times, or apocalypse, as depicted by the Holy Bible in several dynamic books of history and prophecy. His exploration begins with the disloyalty of one of God’s angels, Satan, and that being’s evil conviction that he could overcome God’s plan. Satan’s first success set the pattern for all that would follow when he convinced the first humans, Adam and Eve, to disobey God’s simple commands in the Garden of Eden. From this, the reader will surmise that humans can be deceived and will suffer if they yield to Satan’s ploys. Therefore, it behooves all thinking Christians to understand what may happen in the end times, times in which the author believes humanity is now living.

This complicated subject matter has been arrayed in a logical format, with each chapter treating with different aspects of the biblical puzzle and concluding with “Points to Ponder”—questions the readers can ask themselves as the material expands. The end times can be seen, with equal weight, as pre-, mid-, and post-tribulation and pre-wrath. God’s wrath was revealed early in the biblical story, with events like the great flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah indicating that God will deliver the righteous as the destruction begins and that for those experiencing God’s wrath, “no deliverance was available.” Throughout his treatise, Edmondson urges readers to refer to their Bibles and to consult the writings of the apostle John continually and also those of Daniel, with their detailed prophecies regarding such unique features as the four kingdoms, the eight empires, and the characteristics, including beasts, associated with each. Edmondson makes the case that Islam is the seventh empire, out of which the predicted Antichrist will arise, seeking through Satan’s wiles to turn people away from Christianity to be ruled by Islam throughout the world. Coming events like the rapture, Armageddon, and God’s final judgment are yet to come but nearer than many might think.

Edmondson, who accepted Christ as a teenager in 1950, has spent much time teaching from and about the Bible as a faithful church member. His intellectual capacities are undeniably evident in this far-reaching work, which is well organized, pointing to thorough research and faithful dedication to the subjects presented. The reader will have the sense, as the author states, that Edmondson may have altered some of his own views in the course of his deep delving into scripture. He deals with Christian writings in the same way he describes putting together a large puzzle, trying to match colors, edges, and sides, and despite his best efforts, sometimes failing and having to start new searches for the correct interlocking clues. His stated purpose is to open the minds of readers to the many possibilities presented and to seek answers purely through the words already written for posterity in the holy Christian record. Edmondson’s book should be read and thoughtfully considered by individuals and groups without bias, just as he wrote it, constructed piece by piece to create a sensible, credible totality.

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